Sunday, November 4, 2007

Benvolio the Peace keeper

“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire.
The day is hot; the Capulets, abroad;
And if we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl,
For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.”(III,i,1-4)

Throughout the tale of Romeo and Juliet Benvolio is constantly trying to keep the peace between the Montagues and the Capulets. He tries to lead his friends and family to avoid all possible fights. Benvolio is the one who never pulls out his sward in a fight unless he has absolutely no choice. Too bad his friends and family do not fallow his example. He knows that if his family and friends are not injured in a fight with the Capulets that they will be in trouble with the Prince. Unfortunately, the ones Benvolio cares about most do not usually listen to him. They usually jump into things and pull out their swards and start to fight immediately without even considering Benvolio’s thoughts and points. He is a kind and gentle person who tries his hardest to keep the peace between his friends and foes.

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