Thursday, November 1, 2007

Paris the Proud

Paris trough out the entire play is very proud. The first time he meets Juliet he decides that he wants to marry her and makes the arrangements. To him he felt that Juliet had no reason not to want to marry him and besides, she was more of a buisness exchange. Later when he is talking to the Friar about his wedding plans, Julit walks in. Before giving her a second breath he tells her how she will feel once she is married to him. Paris's head was floating in the clowds of pride because if he paid attention he probably would have been able to guess Juliet was not happy. Finally when Paris decided to visit Juliet in her tomb he finds Romeo there. Being the selfish, thick headed guy that he was decided that he was going to capture Romeo and save the day and have his name posted as the hero who caught Romeo. Before he knew it Romeo had killed him. Paris served as a proudfull character who thought much to high of himself.

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