Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mastercard commercial

Watch this commercial and then comment on the aspects of literary persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos) that you find to be apparent in this clip.


Chris Rodriguez said...
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Chris Rodriguez said...

I believe this commercial is using Pathos because as you are wacthing the commercial, you view the elephant buying all of these products for his sick owner, and it makes the observer feel compassionate for the elephant who is taking care of the owner.(Instead of the owner taking care of him)

Johnny Kuhn said...

I also think that this commercial is using Pathos. The commercial stirs the viewers emotions by showing the elephant taking care of its owner. The viewer starts to fell compassion towards the elephant for taking care if its owner. The viewer also gets humor out of the commercial since the elephant is doing all the errands.

Megan Wallace said...

I agree with both Prometheus and Cupid. The commercial is using Pathos to connect the consumer to the product/item. Because the elepant caretaker is sick, the elephant tries to take care of him. This causes you to feel sympathy for the caretaker and compassion toward the elephant for taking care of the man.

Orpheus said...

As much as I try to be a non-conformist, I must agree with prometheus, cupid, and iris. The commercial is using your inner sense of caring and compassion to persuade you to create a mastercard account. Pathos it is.

Sam Levy said...

I agree with the other previous posters. I believe that the cute commercial is using Pathos. The speaker, or narrorator is able to stir the emotions of the viewers to almost side one way or another. While watching the elephant care for his owner, viewers are struck with how compassionate and caring the elephant is. Instead of his owner taking care of him, he is helping out his owner. I am almost positive that this (really cute <3) commercial is using Pathos.

Ariadne said...

I think that this commercial is using pathos. It shows the elephant's compassion for his owner so you feel sympathy. It shows how not only does the owner care for the elephant, the elephant cares for the owner.