Monday, June 9, 2008

Emma Kwiatkowski's Literary Seminar

My literary seminar was based on Waverly Jong's story of "Four Directions". My first question was, do you think Waverly will let Lindo affect Rich the same way she affected Marvin? Ashley said that she thought Waverly was too weak to do anything about her mother's controlling trait. Nicole added that Waverly does not want the mother to affect Rich, but Waverly is not capable of preventing it. The mother just wants to be a part of her daughter's life, but Waverly is setting up a barrier between her and Lindo, according to James. Chris stated that Waverly never actaully stopped playing chess. Each part of the chess board represents something that Waverly is dealing with. Also, Waverly needs her mother although it may seem differently. I agree with all these points. Waverly is weak and cannot stand up to her mother directly. She runs away from her problems like when she ran into the alley. This chapter is very symbolic in the way that it conveys life as a chess game, which was stated by Lisa.

My seminar went so well that I did not have time to ask my second question.
Is Waverly "a rabbit" only with her mother or in other relationships too?

1 comment:

Hercules said...

I agree with the first question's response a lot in the fact that even though Waverly doesn't want her mother to effect her relationship, her attitude is too passive to do anything about it, and she almost doesn't even know how to prevent anything from happening.