Saturday, October 13, 2007

Artemis's Bio

I am Artemis, or Diana if you will. I was born on the island of Ortygia , and helped Leto, my mother, to Delos where she gave birth to my twin brother Apollo, one day after my birth. This is how i became known as the guardian of young children. I also am known as the goddess of the wilderness, the hunt, wild animals, and fertility.

At the age of three I asked Zeus, my father, to give me the gift of eternal virginity which made me one of the three virgin goddesses. As well as being a virgin goddess all of my companions are virgins and i punish any man who dares to dishonor me in any way. Do not think to beg for forgiveness if you try. Many heroes have died at my hand for just that deed. I had Actaeon turned to a deer and killed by his own hounds for trying to see me bathe then to boast about it afterwards.

My main occupations are wondering the forests and mountains hunting for lions, panthers, and stags with my nymphs in tow. The stag and the owl are sacred to me, and I am known for protecting women in child birth, but it is often said that it is my arrows that deliver a swift death to those women as well. I also make sure that if you defy my wishes, especially against my sacred animals, that the punishment is a large one. Even the great hero Agamemnon suffered my anger when he shot a deer in my sacred grove. His punishment was that he must sacrifice his daughter to me or be forever stranded out at sea.

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