Sunday, October 14, 2007

Clotho's Bio

Hey there fellow gods and goddesses,
You may think you have it all figured out, but I'm the one with the real power. That's right, I'm Clotho, and I spin the the course of life. My sister's, Lachesis and Atropus, and I weave the loom of life and snip it. I'm the Spinner, I spin your thread and decide what happens throughout your life. All you gods and godesses who think you make the decisions? You are wrong. We, the Fates determine what goes down. We are neither tied down to heaven, earth, or the underworld. When you're born, we give you good and bad. With birth the thread of Fate is made, your destiny determined, then the thread cut. Your destiny though, is in our hands. Even though we are three, Fate is one. You can make your own decisions but when it comes time for you to pass, we snip the thread of life clean. Not even you, the gods and goddesses, are expelled from Fate. We decide the destiny of all. Luckily for you, I spin the thread of life, and maybe if you suck up a little, I won't make as many knots in your loom; tangles are easy to make. If you see me around, you will see me with my spindle in my hand. We can also be heard singing along with the Sirens. I sing of what is, Lachesis of what was, and Atropus of what will be. You may have been told my sisters and I are old hags (although I am the youngest of the three of course), but if I were to ever heard such at thing from ones mouth, I may have to have their thread snipped a little too soon. Like it is said, you can't fight Fate.

So, watch your back, or you may just encounter a twist of Fate.
I'll be spinning,

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