Sunday, October 14, 2007


My name is Iris and I am the goddess of the rainbow. Some say I am the daughter of Thaumas and Electra, one of the Oceanids and others the daughter of Typhon and Echidna, I don’t really know. My sisters are the misjudged harpies, Aello and Ocypete. They really aren’t that mean or gruesome as everyone says, but anyways. I was the first messenger for the gods until Hermes arrived, but we share our work. I am faster then Hermes when delivering a message, though. Hera is the beautiful queen that I faithfully serve and am main messenger to. I am sometimes a beautiful woman with golden wings, other times the rainbow itself. As I take my message from the gods and fly across the sky a beautiful rainbow trails behind me. I can fly wherever I need to to get my message delivered. If it be under the sea or in the great underworld, I will go. My other job takes place when the gods are making promises or oaths. I have to travel down to the River Styx with a pitcher and fill it with the river’s water. When the god or goddess recites their oath or promise I have to fly across the sky and pour the water to make sure the oath is truthful. I may be flying across the sky all the time and delivering messages, but who else will do it as fast as I. Sometimes you can see me after a storm, when the sky clears up.

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