Monday, October 8, 2007

Myth Bios

Welcome, gods and goddesses! Let the blogging conquest commence!

To post your myth bio, follow these directions:
  1. Publish a new post. Enter the body of the text as you wish it to appear. Remember: this is in the first person; be creative; incorporate significant and ACCURATE facts!
  2. Include a picture! Choose a relevant and interesting picture that serves a hook to your bio! Upload by clicking the "add image" tab next to the spell check option.
  3. Label your post "bio" so that we can easily access all entries simultaneously.

1 comment:

Circe said...


I was not a particularly interesting child. This is quite obvious by the fact that nobody knew of me until I was old enough to fall in love.
Nor was I a particularly interesting adult, as I discovered when my first love went unrequited and my second love abandoned me to sail for Ithaca—If Ithaca, Ithaca, was more interesting than myself, I was certainly not very interesting to begin with.
I was not a particularly good sorceress. This, I judged for myself. I was discontented by the limits of my powers. With formulas of incantations and mixtures, I learned to transfigure humans into pigs, lion, or wolves and to change them back into their original human form. More extensive sorceries were beyond my talents.
I have never been a very happy person, to my regret. Smalll moments of perfect happiness have been interspersed with long stretches of tedium. But I would like to believe that there is hope for my happiness still.