Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Hello, My Name is Theseus. I am King of Athens. I'm known as one of Athens' greatest heroes. I've had many quests. Throughout my journeys I have killed a minotaur, brought several criminals to justice, and traveled to Amazon owned land. I've also made many powerful friends, Hercules and Pirithous, throughout my adventures.
When I was born I was sent to a far off land, and I was told I could return once I could retrieve my father's sword from beneath a large rock. Once I retrieved my father's weapon I began my journey to Athens. On my way to my future kingdom, I ran into several thieves who would pillage and kill travelers. I disposed of them the way they had disposed of their victims, beating them to death, tying them between two trees causing them to split in two, and push them off a cliff. I eventually arrived in Athens and claimed my rightful place in Athens.
Not long after I arrived, I was confronted with a dilemma. King Minos of Crete had waged war with the Athenians and was successful. He then demanded that, at nine-year intervals, seven Athenian boys and seven Athenian girls were to be sent to Crete to be devoured by the Minotaur, a half man half beast who lived in the Labyrinth. I volunteered to travel to Crete in order to slave the horrific creature that lived there. King Minos's daughter provided me with golden thread, to retrace my steps, and a sword. I was successful in my mission, and returned with all of the children and Minos's daughter. Minos's daughter realized I had used her, and in return caused me to forget to switch the sail on our ship from black to white, meaning we were alive. This caused my father to kill himself, for he thought his son had perished.
My best friend, Pirithous and I decided we were going to marry people with deity blood. I chose Helen, and he chose Persephone. I easily retrieved the willing Helen, but it was a challenge to get Persephone, for she was the wife of Hades, lord of the underworld. On Pirithous's behalf we traveled to the underworld, just to be captured by Hades. Lucky for me, Hercules rescued me but was unable to rescue my dear friend.
I briefly traveled to the Amazons with my companion, Hercules. He steals the girdle of the queen of Amazons while I carried off the queen's sister. This caused a war in which Amazon warriors invaded Attica. She also bore my son, Hippolytus. My first wife, Phaedra fell in love with Hippolytus, but he rejected her. To ensure she would die with dignity, Phaedra wrote on a tablet that Hippolytus had raped her before she hung herself. I believed this and indirectly caused the death of my son. I was later informed by Artemis that Phaedra had deceived me. Lycomedes of the island of Skyros threw me off a cliff after I had lost popularity in Athens

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